Apex Sports Clinic
Gen Lin Foo

Gen Lin Foo

How Long Does a Spinal Injury Take to Heal?

Recovering from a spinal injury is a journey that varies greatly depending on the type, severity, and individual factors. While each case is unique, understanding typical recovery timelines can provide insight into what to expect during this challenging process. Types…

Do I Need Surgery for My Meniscus Tear?

Dealing with a meniscus tear can be a painful and frustrating experience, especially if it affects your daily activities or sports performance. One of the most common questions that arise when diagnosed with a meniscus tear is whether surgery is…

How Do You Know If You Have a Torn Meniscus?

A torn meniscus is a common knee injury, often occurring during activities that involve twisting or rotating the knee with the foot planted. What is a Meniscus? The knee joint contains two C-shaped pieces of fibro -cartilage known as menisci.…

Hamstring Injuries – Prevention and Recovery

Hamstring Injuries – Prevention and Recovery Athletes in a variety of sports frequently suffer from hamstring injuries, which may be quite painful. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, soccer player, or sprinter, a hamstring injury can seriously impair your ability to…

Groin Injuries in Sports: From Strains to Hernias

Groin Injuries in Sports: From Strains to Hernias In sports, groin injuries are a typical occurrence for athletes of all skill levels and disciplines. These injuries, which can range in severity from mild strains to more serious conditions like hernias,…